Monday, February 07, 2005

Neurocam Requests The Pleasure

I was going to keep quiet about this one for the moment but Li's already blown the trumpet on it (along with alias K and an operative called ukelele, in the comments on Tript's followup to his earlier Iocus Severus post), so why not - Hastings has sent out an availabilty call for an as-yet-undisclosed operation "which will require the deployment of multiple operatives" between 5 and 6pm on Sunday the 20th.

I've RSVP'd - looking forward to seeing Li turn up in a stolen pleececar looking as though many of his dreams have been destroyed.

Meanwhile, a Bournemouth (UK) op on the unfiction boards has been assigned to search for potential dead drop locations in their locale.

And later in that same thread - this is a first AFAIK - someone reports failing their initial perception assessment.



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