Saturday, February 12, 2005

Young Atom is Anna Schmit

Or, at a stretch, someone who hacked YA's Blogger account. And, as forcast in a comment on my initial Shmit post by someone using the name Ken Dyers and citing Young Atom's blog as their homepage, a new blog belonging to a certain Xul Solar 23 appeared yesterday, offering a distinctly Shmitsian blend of surrealism, topical Neurosatire and intruige:
I am in contact with operatives who are not part of the Neuroblog community, and who seem to receive assignments of differing calibre to the ones mentioned on the Internet. I will obviously have to take care as to where I step in this regard, as the world of Neurobloggers is one filled with spite and animosity.
Is it? I think we're quite a civilised bunch really.

That said, I should note - lest I find myself being accused of.. I dunno, something - that Xul firmly states:
The allegations that I am in some way involved in the Young Atom / Anna Schmidt prank are completely false.
Welcome to the fold, anyway. Whoever the hell you are.



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