Monday, March 07, 2005

Hot Mask Tips; A Trailer For "Traverse"; and Iocus Severus on Burke, Maling & Hely

Firstly - an anonymous poster has provided two helpful mask leads in a comment on the preceeding post.

Secondly - following the promotional image which appeared on his site about two weeks ago, Robin Hely's posted a trailer for his improbable movie "Traverse". You'll probably need to append the suffix ".mp4" to the filename before it'll play.

Thirdly, and most interestingly - LJ has posted a substantial communique from Iocus Severus about Peter Burke, Jason Maling and Robin Hely, and their connections to Neurocam.

According to Iocus: "Both Jason Maling and Peter Burke seem genuinely bewildered by the Neurocam phenomenon." Hely, meanwhile, comes in for quite a nasty serve - Iocus concurs with Hely's claim that he's a former NC operative, but describes him as "pathological", at least in his tendency to talk up his involvement: "It is quite apparent that those who know him indulge his fantasies of senior operative status in Neurocam, simply to keep the peace."



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