Saturday, February 19, 2005

Thoughts On Discretion & Keeping Neurocam Happy

Following some interesting inter-operative correspondence this week, I have been thinking about the following clause in the Operative Guide:

"We would prefer that Operatives display a high degree of discretion when relating details of Neurocam’s operational practices."

I have, I suppose, been working on the following assumptions:
  • Neurocam is essentially a conceptual art project.
  • It follows that - whatever we're-a-highly-covert-operation shit they spin - its puppetmasters (for want of a better word) are actually seeking to generate as much dialogue as possible, within the limitations explicitly prescribed by assignment briefings.
  • The silence clauses may or may not exist for good reasons, but they are enforced by threat of expulsion and should be obeyed on that basis, at least.
  • The employment of other discretionary tactics may be practical, prudent or just good manners - for example, protecting the identity of sources who wish to remain anonymous.
  • Beyond that, you are playing the game well by being talkative.
What if these assumptions are misguided, though? What if Neurocam really does want operatives to be as discreet as possible?

Hmm. Hmm, hmm.



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