Monday, February 14, 2005


'During the war, when I had a great deal of time to think, and no friends to amuse me, I conceived a new kind of drama. One in which the conventional separation between actors and audience was abolished. In which the conventional scenic geography, the notions of proscenium, stage, auditorium, were completely discarded. In which continuity of performance, either in time or place, was ignored. And in which the action, the narrative was fluid, with only a point of departure and a fixed point of conclusion. Between those points the participants invent their own drama ...

We are all actors here, my friend. None of us is what we really are. We all lie some of the time, and some of us all the time.'
I was able to belatedly complete Assignment NCI-2332 today. Not entirely uncoincidentally, I've started reading some book by John Fowles.



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